
Come what may . . .
Come whatever may

pastoral reflections on living out the Catholic faith

Welcome to Come What May

A Church of the Resurrection blog
by Fr. Steve Mattson

As pastor, I created this blog to be an outlet for my reflections on how, as Catholic Christians, we should respond to the challenges that seem to be everywhere increasing. Jesus said that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. And we believe that. But it’s not obvious what that means, practically speaking, when we each need to discern how to respond to the real challenges and crises that arise day by day. In this blog, I will offer reflections on current events and eternal concerns with the hope that what I write might be helpful to those who are striving, like me, to discern what faithful discipleship looks like . . . come what may. Come whatever may.

Latest Blog Posts

The Light Shines in the Darkness . . .

Some parishioners will remember that the Mass prior to Vatican II used to conclude with the reading of John 1:1-14, which, because it was proclaimed after communion, was called the “Last Gospel.” Those of you who are old enough may not remember the Last Gospel because it was proclaimed quietly in Latin, as if it…

Light in the Lord

It’s been a while since I’ve posted, but given recent developments in our culture, I’ve felt the Lord’s promptings to resume doing so. Thanks for reading. Last weekend, the Fourth Sunday of Lent (Year A), we read the poignant account of the man born blind, recounted in John 9. The blind man’s encounter with the…

Traditionis Custodes

Yesterday, a friend texted me and asked me what I thought of Pope Francis’ motu proprio Traditionis Custodes. At that point, I had yet to read it, but I have done so now. The accompanying letter to bishops helps explain Pope Francis’s motivations for issuing the motu proprio at this time. As many of you already are aware, a motu proprio is…

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Located in the heart of the City of Lansing, the Church of the Resurrection exists to help everyone in our parish family live in the light and hope of the Resurrection. Please visit church website to learn more and contact us!